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Founder News

NJRC Women's Project Keynote Address

On Tuesday, January 19th, Francine gave the keynote address at the New Jersey Reentry Corporation's Women's Project Conference. Francine highlighted the importance of creating opportunities for women to reach their full potential.
Foundation News

How We’re Giving Back By Providing Meals to Those In Need

The Francine A. LeFrak Foundation is responding to this crisis by donating to Food Bank For New York City to provide 1,000,000 meals for people in Queens.
Foundation News

Barnard College Launches the Francine A. LeFrak Foundation Center for Well-Being

The center will serve as a centralized hub for all wellness-related initiatives across campus and will support a 360-degree perspective of personal well-being focused on three pillars of wellness: financial, physical, and emotional.

Taking Care Of Our Neighbors

COVID surges are occurring with a vengeance. We are watching the numbers of cases explode, businesses close and lines of hungry people grow. In Queens, NY our neighbors are standing in the cold for hours to get food to feed their families.
Foundation News

Barnard College Announces New Francine A. LeFrak Foundation Center for Well-Being

The new Francine A. LeFrak Foundation Center for Well-Being, made possible by a generous gift from the Francine A. LeFrak Foundation, will ensure that all Barnard students have access to comprehensive physical and mental health, holistic wellness, and financial literacy support services and are equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive at Barnard and beyond.
Foundation News

Foundation Summer Update

It’s crucial that we stay optimistic and continue to check in on each other. The summer has been a productive time for the Foundation. I am so proud to share the news of what we've accomplished with our grant partners.
Foundation News

A Message from Francine LeFrak

The lessons we’ve learned during this time are invaluable. We appreciate our jobs, the food on our tables, and our loved ones so much more. We will take these lessons with us moving forward and reflect on how our lives have shifted during this challenging time. 
Foundation News

World Refugee Day 2020 - Addressing the Refugee Crisis

FAL Foundation honors World Refugee Day 2020 by addressing the refugee crisis with training & education.
Founder News

Women and Unemployment in America

Women have been disproportionately affected by the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Foundation News

Newsmax: LeFrak Donates 1M Meals to Feed New Yorkers Hit by Pandemic

Longtime New York City philanthropist Francine A. LeFrak is teaming up with the Food Bank for New York City to provide over a million meals to New Yorkers.
Founder News

Nursing homes – We must do better

If this tragedy has taught us anything it’s that we must rethink how our healthcare systems are set up, how our facilities function, and how we prepare for the worst. We must take better care of our elderly.
Foundation News

Food Insecurity in America

Last month, more than 1 in 3 households had hungry children, this level of food insecurity in our country is unprecedented in modern times. 
Foundation News

Francine Interviewed on Cats Roundtable

We discussed the Francine A. LeFrak Foundation's work with the Food Bank for NYC to provide 1 million meals to our fellow New Yorkers living in Queens, the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic.
Foundation News

A Letter From Our Founder

The Francine A. LeFrak Foundation has made a donation to the Food Bank for NYC that will provide 500,000 meals to Queens, NY which has become the epicenter of this virus with over 37,000 cases.
Founder News

Our World after Coronavirus

It's difficult to see past the loss and challenges we experience today, but it's important to also focus on the positive changes we may see tomorrow. 
Founder News

Francine LeFrak featured in Forbes Special Philanthropy Issue

How a failed movie turned into a job project for Rwanda's poor.
Founder News

Francine A. LeFrak Honored With the UNFCU Foundation Women's Empowerment Award

The UNFCU Foundation presented Francine A. LeFrak, social entrepreneur and women's rights advocate, with its 2019 Women's Empowerment Award.
Foundation News

Prager Metis Employees Teach Excel Class to Homeless Women

It was an exciting graduation at the Women in Need Homeless Shelter on East 104th Street in East Harlem.
Foundation News

Rethinking What It Means to Support Women In The Workplace 

Over 22 million women live in poverty in America today. In New York City alone, 60,000 people sleep in homeless shelters every night; 22,000 of them are children.
Foundation News

800 Lives Transformed - Mission Accomplished

As we look back on the last year, we are so excited to share our progress with you. With your support 800 women and girls lifted themselves out of poverty.